Wednesday 28 October 2009

Bijilo Forest Park

When we woke up this morning we realised that our water heater has been leaking through the night into our laundry basket resulting in quite a few clothes with rusty stain marks on them. We put them straight into the bath with some detergent and Paul started scrubbing them with some soap, some of the whites went straight into some bleach however not all the marks would come out very annoyed as three of my white tops are ruined.

We finally ate breakfast, showered and set out for Bijilo Forest Park and Nature Trail or Monkey Park as it is known to the locals situated in Senegambia area. We entered the park and were approached by a guide who explained that the ticket office was not yet open so we will need to pay on our exit. He then showed us the type of animals which frequent the park including two types of monkey, squirrels, monitor lizards, spiders, snakes, butterflies and birds. We set off walking along the sandy path and through the forest of Rhun Palms which is one of the last places to see them, they used to run along the coastline but have been ravaged by builders and developers for the use of beams resulting in the erosion of the coastline especially noticeable around the Senegambia area.