Sunday 28 March 2010

Boboi Beach Lodge

Our plan today was to drive down to Boboi Beach Lodge and Sandale which Mike and Jenny were keen to see. Unfortunately the car wouldn’t start so we had to change plans so we headed off down to the beach. Paul had phoned the mechanic about the car and was pleased when thirty minutes later he received a phone call to say the car was working. He decided to set off back home with the plan of meeting us at the hotel to then set off to Boboi. We arrived at Boboi Lodge at 2 o’clock and quickly ordered a late lunch of fish and chips. We then decided to explore, the resort is just a little further along from sandale and is situated next to the beach. They have a number of small round lodges close to the beach of which I decided to make enquires off and ended up getting a tour around. One lodge was a twin bedroom and the other a double they were not really catered for family’s however there was space to put down an extra mattress in the rooms. They also have a number of tree houses where you can stay the night sleeping on the floor looking up at the stars which I must say are pretty amazing out here. One of their restaurants was perched in the tree tops on stilts looking out across Sandel bay, and was climbed by way of a ladder, no good once you have had a few too many. After a tasty lunch we headed to Sandale. On arriving Maurice was there with a group who were also waiting to be shown around. As they had just ordered drinks Maurice gave us the guided tour first around the resort and lodges. When we arrived back at the restaurant area Felix had just arrived so he joined us for a drink. Felix was waiting for Georgia to arrive from up country. Her parents had arrived so they had gone on a trip and were returning to stay the night at Sandale. We decided to head for home dropping Jenny and Mike off at the Hotel on route for an early night.

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