Thursday 10 September 2009

Cooking Domada

Bradley not too bad this morning however has suddenly come down with Abigail’s cold. We set of for the local book store called Timbooktoo, it is very well stocked offering a large range of Western and Gambian books which helps keep the children amused for an hour they also have wireless internet access. Arrived just before opening at 10.00pm so we sat on the steps waiting, the manager he finally arrived at 10.10pm; nothing seems to open on time here. Had a look at some of the books and then headed upstairs to buy a coffee and load up the internet unfortunately due to yesterdays storm all connections were down they told us to come back on the afternoon as they may be on, this is getting very frustrating.

On the afternoon we headed up towards the VSO Office as there was a workshop on recipe’s and cooking. Arrived just in time to help in the cooking of the Gambian dish known as Domada which is a peanut based dish. We were all involved chopping and pounding garlic and spices in a large pestle and mortar. Paul was in charge of cooking the beef on the gas stove with Maimuna who is the receptionist supervising. Unfortunately we had to leave early before trying the dish as Bradley was unwell again; taking a different route home we saw some Red-Billed Hornbills and Red Fire Finches which are tiny little Birds, very pretty.
Cooking Domada

James pounding Garlic and Spices

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