Friday 26 February 2010

Bintang Bolon

The children have broken up for half term all be it they only get three days off returning back to school on Tuesday also it is independence day so Paul is also off college, he is still not sure whether he will need to go in tomorrow.. We decided to take a trip out for the day the plan was to drive along the south bank to see how far we could go before the road got too bad for the car. We were also dropping Rachael off at Brikama college so she could meet up with Amy. Rachael is one of the new volunteers who will be working at the college. We arrived at the college in good time Amy was already there she had decided to go into work today so as to tidy the office. We left them as Amy decided to give Rachael a tour of the college. We were soon back on the road and passing the village of Pirang which is where we recently had a walk through the forest. The road was quite good tarmac through the next two villages then we were diverted off the road and on to a track which ran parallel to it. The road was still in the process of being built and there were large boulders dotted along sections to stop vehicles using it however it looked in better condition than the one we were travelling on. The track which we were taken along was a mix of tarmac and sand which was full of ridges however the gellehs and trucks just speed along no problem throwing up red dust as they went. We passed a number of villages along the way with locals sat outside there houses or out in the fields working, and the usual variety of animals, donkeys, goats, cows and sheep. The road which we were travelling on was very wide and flat so you got a good view of the horizon up a head and was bordered by baobab and palm trees. Unfortunately we didn’t see any wildlife it was probably too late in the morning. We passed a couple of areas which looked as if in the wet season they would be flooded and possibly home to crocodiles.

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